mRASP stands for “multilingual Random Aligned Substitution Pre-training” which is a pre-training method for multilingual NMT models proposed by ByteDance AI Lab in 2020 and published in their paper: “Pre-training Multilingual Neural Machine Translation by Leveraging Alignment Information”. The official code for this paper can be found on this GitHub repository: mRASP.
mRASP is actually a standard Transformer-large architecture with 6-layer encoder and 6-layer decoder. The model dimension is 1,024 on 16 heads with replacing ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) with GeLU (Gate Linear Unit) as activation function on feed forward network. It also uses learned positional embeddings.
The key idea in mRASP is its novel technique of RAS (Random Aligned Substitution) pre-training, which brings words and phrases with similar meanings across multiple languages closer in the representation space achieving a a common initial multilingual NMT model that can be later fine-tuned on any language pair.
Pre-training via RAS
Given a parallel sentence $\left( x^{i},\ x^{j} \right)$ in two different languages $L_{i}$ and $L_{j}$, RAS (Random Aligned Substitution) randomly replaces a word $x_{t}^{i}$ at index $t$ in the source language $i$ to a another word $d_{i,k}\left( x_{t}^{i} \right)$ in a different random language $L_{k}$ using MUSE dictionary which is basically a look-up table trained in an unsupervised fashion that is able to translate $x_{t}^{i}$ word in language $L_{i}$ to $d_{i,k}\left( x_{t}^{i} \right)$ word in language $L_{k}$ where $d_{i,k}$ is the dictionary translating function.
As we can see in the following figure, the words “singing” and “dancing” were replaced by “chanter” and “danser” which have the same meaning in French. For RAS, they used the top 1000 words in dictionaries and only substituted words in source sentences. Each word is replaced with a probability of $30\%$ according to the En-X bilingual dictionaries. And if one word has multiple replacements, they randomly select one substitution from all candidates To address polysemy.
With these replacement, the original bilingual pair $\left( x^{i},\ x^{j} \right)$ will construct a code-switched sentence pair $\left( C\left( x^{i} \right),\ x^{j} \right)$. Considering a parallel dataset $\mathcal{D}_{i,j}$ of language pair $\left( L_{i},L_{j} \right)$ and $\theta$ is the parameter of mRASP, the pre-training loss is defined as:
\[\mathcal{L}^{\text{pre}} = \sum_{i,j \in \mathcal{D}}^{}{\mathbb{E}_{\left( x^{i},x^{j} \right)\sim\mathcal{D}_{i,j}}\lbrack - \log P_{\theta}\left( x^{i} \middle| C\left( x^{j} \right) \right)\rbrack}\]In pre-training phase, mRASP was trained using Adam optimizer with and linear decay scheduling with $\epsilon = 10^{- 8},\ \beta_{2} = 0.98$. A warm-up step of 4000 is used. And the model was pre-trained for a total of 150000 steps. Also, a subword vocabulary of 64,808 tokens were created using BPE.
To distinguish from different translation pairs, they simply added language tokens. For instance, the following En→Fr sentence “How are you? → Comment vas tu?” is transformed to “<en> How are you? → <fr> Comment vas tu?”.
PC32 stands for “Parallel Corpus 32” and this is the data created for training mRASP containing 32 English-Centric Parallel data of 197 million pair of sentences. This dataset was collected from various sources: ted, wmt, europarl, paracrawl, open-subtitles, qed. The following table summaries the number of sentences of English-X where X denotes languages involved:
For fine-tuning, they collected 14 pairs of parallel corpus to simulate different scenarios. The collected data was divided into four categories:
Extremely low resource (<100K): such as En-Be (Belarusian), En-My (Burmese), En-Af (Afrikaans), and En-Eo (Esperanto).
Low resource(>100k and <1M): such as En-He (Hebrew), En-Tr (Turkish), En-Ro (Romanian), and En-Cs (Czech).
Medium resource (>1M and <10M): such as En-Ar (Arabic), En-Et (Estonian), En-Bg (Bulgarian), and En-De (German).
Rich resource (>10M): such as En-Zh (Chinese), and En-Fr (French).
mRASP model was fine-tuned on the target language pairs. They applied a dropout rate of 0.3 for all pairs except for rich resource with 0.1. They carefully tuned the model, setting different learning rates and learning scheduler warm-up steps for different data scale. For inference, we use beam-search with beam size 5.
To better quantify the effectiveness of the proposed pre-training method, they compared mRASP with a direct model which is a randomly initialized model. The following table shows that mRASP obtains better results on different language-pairs:
To illustrate the generalization of mRASP, they also conducted experiments on translation directions that haven’t been seen in the pre-training phase. The following table shows that mRASP obtains significant gains for each category for different scales of datasets, indicating that even trained with exotic languages, with pre-training initialization, the model still works reasonably well.