Phanxuan Phuc


Translationese Effect

Translationese is a common term that refers to to translated texts. The fundamental law of translation states that “phenomena pertaining to the make-up of the source text tend to be transferred to the target text” which means that translated texts tend to be simpler and retain some characteristics from the source language.

A 2009-published paper: Automatic detection of translated text and its impact on machine translation has found out that an MT system performs better when trained on parallel data whose source side is original and whose target side is translationese than if it was trained on the opposite. In other words, if there is a dataset published that contains English→French translations, it will be better if we use this dataset that direction and not the opposite (French→English).

And this 2018-published paper: The Effect of Translationese in Machine Translation Test Sets found out that the effect of translationese tends to be high with low-resource language which could inflate the expectations in terms of translation quality for these languages. You can even reproduce their results by taking a look at their official GitHub repository: translationese.